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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Stephen Cohen on US–Russia Relations

Stephen Cohen is interviewed by Tucker Carlson after Trump’s Syria strikes and the calls for regime change in Syria:

You know we live in a bizarre, upside-down world when Ann Coulter starts talking sense on Syria and appears to have become a peacenik:

Stephen Cohen’s interview on Democracy Now:

See here if there are problems with the embedded video.

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  1. Have you seen this recent headline in a Saudi newspaper, LK? I've seen it translated as "US will punish whoever commits crimes against innocent":

    The last year has been rather bizarre politically, but the reactions to Trump bombing Syria is a complete "down is up" moment. Rania Khalek pointed out that it's a testament to the weakness and practical non-existence of the left antiwar movement that the group most viciously protesting Trump's actions in Syria are the altright.

  2. "You know we live in a bizarre, upside-down world when Ann Coulter starts talking sense on Syria and appears to have become a peacenik"

    Wasn't she the one after 911 who suggested carpet bombing Muslim world. I believe she said that we didn't look for nazies in WW2 but bombed the whole Germany.
