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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sargon of Akkad on the Rise of the Populist Right and Far Right in Europe

In the video below:

If things don’t change fast, 2017 will be the year of the populist right and maybe even far right in Europe.

It is already beginning with the rise of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which did well in a recent German state election, and the likelihood that Norbert Hofer of the Austrian populist right Freedom Party (FPO) will win the rerun of the Austrian presidential election on October 2.

A victory of Trump in America will also have enormous consequences for politics in the rest of the Western world too, and accelerate the turn to the populist right.

I’m on Twitter:
Lord Keynes @Lord_Keynes2


  1. Jill Stein took flack for supporting the $15 min wage. She's the real Keynesian in this race:

    1. yeah i heard her bragging about how the public debt is a burden on american citizens.

      "so much keynesian"

  2. "So we are entering a period in which, if you add the Italian referendum, you will have 12 months where politicians in the four big countries of the Euro-area will have to answer to their voters for their policies. But if we continue to think that we have to wait until after the election at the national level before doing something, we will always be waiting and that is something we cannot afford to do because, frankly, I don't think the European problems can wait for twelve months. We are already in a process of disintegration, so if we have to wait until after the Italian referendum, the Spanish elections, French elections and German elections in September 2017, my fear is that there will no longer be a Europe in September 2017," he said.

    Italy's ex-PM "fears there won't be a Europe" next September

    Trump's win will create worldwide Trumpism. Omce people see that Trump is not causing a catastrophe as a president they start electing people who they are afraid of right now because of the establishment fear mongering.

  3. "Free movement of labour between countries with vastly different wage levels, working conditions and welfare benefits is a systemic threat to the job opportunities and living standards of Labour’s core supporters. Labour cannot admit this, because that would mean the EU is structured to make social democracy impossible. "
