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Friday, February 26, 2016

Another Reason Why Trump is Popular

Just listen to his rhetoric in the video below.

In other words, Trump poses as a billionaire white knight who is now a kind of class traitor: nobody can buy him because he is too rich! But all the other guys are bought and sold by corporate America.

Trump is a Republican Bernie Sanders, and both are vehement anti-establishment candidates who claim they can’t be bought.


  1. Yes. And he has some street cred here too. He talks about how he was able to buy access and influence, and calls it "a bad system, it's a bad system."

    An interesting thing happened in one debate. He was asked about Hillary attending one of his weddings. Do you know his answer? "Because I paid her." He paid her to attend, and she took the job! All as part of the way influence is subtly peddled.

    Your bias is showing. Trump did not talk about just corporations. There are lots of lobby groups and special interests. Teachers' unions for example, or trial lawyers.

    You might find the latest post on my blog pertinent.

    1. "Trump did not talk about just corporations. There are lots of lobby groups and special interests. Teachers' unions for example, or trial lawyers. "

      Or trade unions in general, sure.

      I stand humbly corrected.

  2. The conspiracy to elect Donald J Trump.

    "Unity of the majority!"

    This is your 'tiny fraction' of the Left, LK.

    Background here

    In all seriousness, crowds shouting down dissent with the rallying cry "Unity of the majority!"
