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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Tim Pool’s Trip to Sweden

See this video interview of a Swedish psychologist by Tim Pool (who sounds like a typical SJW) on the culture of political correctness in Sweden related to the issues of migrant crime and integration:

Pool went to Sweden to investigate claims of severe problems with mass immigration.

The video was even posted by WikiLeaks in this Tweet here.

This is what happened when Tim Pool was shown around a migrant No Go Zone in Rinkeby:

But this is nothing new:

And still the deranged, idiotic Liberals and cultural leftists refuse to admit any problem of any kind with Third World mass immigration into Europe.

The Swedish government recently even reintroduced military conscription, supposedly against the evil Russians. Who are these people kidding? The only real threat to Sweden is an internal one as the country gradually plunges into lawless anarchy and civil war.

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  1. Immigration-restrictionist Denmark "struggles" under full employment and rising wages:

    So we can clearly see by this article what this mass immigration is all about. There is nothing progressive about poor Polish people working in UK and ten of them living in one flat. Yet the left screams racism and xenophobia at anyone who tries to stop It.

    1. After all, their cash transfers to families in Poland stimulates polish economy (about 1% of GDP), but it's undeniable that rents in UK are soaring and wages are stagnant.
      Also the biggest wave of polish immigration to UK was in 2005, when unemployment in Poland was about 20%, so it was a necesity.
      Now they have a positive net migration, so there is nothing to stop. And I think that UK govt should just do something about rents and maybe encourage unions to push wages up and abandon targeting budget surplus.

    2. After all, their cash transfers to families in Poland stimulates polish economy (about 1% of GDP), but it's undeniable that rents in UK are soaring and wages are stagnant.
      Also the biggest wave of polish immigration to UK was in 2005, when unemployment in Poland was about 20%, so it was a necesity.
      Now they have a positive net migration, so there is nothing to stop. And I think that UK govt should just do something about rents and maybe encourage people to create unions in order to push wages up.

    3. Polander

      Cash transfers to families are peanuts, it's ridiculous to hear this touted as one of the benefits of emigration for Eastern European countries. The marginal benefits of emigration are far outweighed by the drawbacks, for both the West and Eastern Europe. Right now there is a labor shortage in the latter, while in the former, youth unemployment is very high. These cash transfers go into consumption, not investment in their country of origin anyway, and in the West there's downward pressure on wages. And this is without mentioning all the other social consequences: the breakdown of social services in Eastern Europe; the brain drain is affecting education levels and illiteracy is increasing;the population is aging and there's already talk of bringing in non-European immigrants to fill the gap; in the West the social fabric is disrupted and the cheap labor force gives business interests more bargaining power over organized labor.

      These population transfer pseudo-solutions are nothing more than propaganda gimmicks.

    4. If the modern left was properly internationalist wouldn't they see that there's more to extreme poverty/distress/migrant relief than mass immigration?

  2. Well, if we compare share of people having at least upper secondary education it finds out that eastern europe scores even better than western. Unemployment in most European countries is a consequence of disastrous private debt level and fiscal austerity.
    I don't advocate for completely open borders, but sensible immigration policy can be achieved without harm to western europe. And most of immigrants are actually Third World people(what should they do if IMF imposes free trade in their countries which is disastrous to infant manufacturing and then their countries face decreasing returns to scale trying to specialize in agriculture?), not EU members.
    Polish govt actually encourages poles in UK to come back, but for some unknown reason no one wants to do it. Wage decline occured in 4 EU countries, Italy, Spain Grecce (all 3 hit by austetity). The last is UK, but i still think that increasing social spending, labour union participation and sensible migration policy can reverse wage trend.
