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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Media’s Anti-Trump Hysteria hits New Low

In this kind of thing here, which is now all over the media.

So now Trump stands accused of being an anti-Semite, apparently because of this speech in West Palm Beach, Florida?:

These accusations are pathetic, and a new low in this presidential campaign.

Exactly how Trump can be anti-Semitic when he’s taken some of the most pro-Israel positions of any American presidential candidate ever remains a mystery (see also here and here).

More than this, Ivanka Trump (Trump’s own daughter) is married to a Jewish American businessman and she even converted to Judaism.

Again, the screams of anti-Semitism are pathetic.

Anyone who watches Trump’s West Palm Beach should be struck by this:

Is this guy running for the Socialist Workers Party now? Because what he says here is (more or less) correct. Neoliberal globalisation supports all those things and it’s destroying the Western world. Trump clearly doesn’t have all the answers, but he at least has a half decent grasp of the problem and what needs to be done.

Trump’s attack on the current neoliberal consensus and his hostility to free trade have caused the most hysterical and bilious attacks on him from the elite (an elite which, incidentally, is increasingly multicultural and infected with cultural leftist ideas about diversity and PC culture), and virtually the whole establishment media – whether left or right – have become shameless whores for neoliberal globalisation and open borders.

This is a disgusting spectacle. I am also disgusted that so much of the left (including left heterodox economic bloggers) cannot and will not understand the real significance of Trump and attempt some calm and rational analysis of the Trump phenomenon.

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  1. Actually, I think those on the heterodox-left seem to understand Trump and Trumpism better than almost all out there. Many of them (myself included) had to seriously contemplate voting for him after it was clear Sanders flamed out. But I think most of us, for a variety of reasons, deem him unacceptable to vote for. Of course many of us still deem Hillary unacceptable too (and, indeed, the heterodox left is one of the most anti-Hillary spheres i've seen within the Left), and for me at least she is still unacceptable to vote for. That being said, I still think Trump, Pence and the GOP would be worse than Hillary and the Democrats with Senators like Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown and Bernie Sanders waiting in the wings to keep her to account.

    Hillary ultimately is about acquiring power. In the early 1990s that meant moving to the center-right. In becoming Senator of New York, that meant moving to the left. In 2016 that means moving even further to the left. Recall that she's against TPP too.

    1. "Recall that she's against TPP too"

      This week, anyway...

    2. The Wikileaks emails show her staff believed she would be "eaten alive" by organised labour if she stayed in favour of the TPP. It was just to beat Sanders, and now to try and keep Trump at bay. Because the TPP will be passed during the lame duck session, with the help of lobbying jobs for the congressmen who are not running for re-election and thus can vote for the TPP without losing their seats. It won't reflect on Clinton since she will not be president yet.

  2. It's not that we don't know why there is the anger and disillusionment behind those that support Trump. It's that Trump is (in ways I've mentioned previously) unhinged and supporting him is like running from a snake to the pit it came from.

    1. ...? Hillary is Queen of that pit!

    2. Is this a reference to the Trump is a Clinton puppet conspiracy? Admittedly that almost makes more sense than the real thing. If you're saying however that Clinton is many times worse, well then we'll just have to disagree. I almost can't be bothered pointing out he's a clown anymore. I'm no fan of Clinton either for the record, she has her own skeletons; hawkish foreign policy, emails, and so on. However, please tell me why you think a Trump presidency would be the way. Honestly, I don't get it.

    3. If you're saying however that Clinton is many times worse, well then we'll just have to disagree

      As I wrote here (supporting links in the original text):

      Trump has said he wants to exclude Muslims from entering the US.

      Hillary Clinton has along with Obama, killed more Muslims than anyone.

      Trump seems to thrive on the anger of the Working Class.

      Hillary's shitty policies are the reason for the anger of the working class.

      Trump says outrageous, racially-tinged things that seem Un-Presidential.

      Hillary supported her husband's policies which were concretely damaging to Blacks & Minorities.

      Trump sure seems to be a misogynist asshole.

      Hillary is most definitely a misandrist bitch.

      Trump is a corporate insider posing as a political outsider.

      Clinton is an insider at all possible levels, thinking she can fool enough people into thinking she's "one of the people."

      Trump will ensure that the Neocon Zionist Israeli lobby stays in power for generations to come.

      So will Hillary. And she may cause World War III on top of all of that.

      However, please tell me why you think a Trump presidency would be the way

      I don't. I just know for a fact that Hillary Clinton has been in the upper echelons of power for a lot longer and I've seen in practical terms what she's done with it.

    4. Sure, I'm no Hillary fan, make no mistake, but imagine Trump in power, I think he'd be worse. Just think about the you've been trumped documentary, and that won't be all imo.

    5. You can't possibly think that even touches National Security Breaches, Sweetheart deals with the Arabs for arms, Libya, the Podesta revelations, etc. That golf course is like comparing a mosquito bite to being riddled with machine gun fire.

    6. You've heard "Clinton lied & nobody died," right? It wasn't true, but the same could be said even more so for Trump in contrast to Clinton.

      The only possibility outside of that is that he's a Clinton plant as you mentioned. Not at all outside the realm of plausibility.

    7. I'm not denying that Hillary is a worrying candidate. John Pilger has written about this also. However the obvious issue is the control of state and military apparatus. Politics is a dark, michiavellian game, inside and outside government. Trump is a wild card however, and his finger on the nuclear button? Well, we can only guess. His skin is thinner than butterfly wings. This election is as much about personalities as about policy, and as someone who always tries to just look at policy, this saddens me. "Trump seems to thrive on the anger of the working class." Irrelevant. As I said before, the anger against elites is real and not without good reasons. I'm not disputing that, but do you really think Trump gives a damn about the working class? Even if they do support him, that's in no way convincing. People forget that crazy people can come from all walks of life. Just look at the white power types that show up at his events. "Working class therefore I win" rhetoric doesn't impress me, and since rich types like Mark Cuban originally liked him, it's not even a decent argument.

    8. Trump is a wild card however, and his finger on the nuclear button? Well, we can only guess. His skin is thinner than butterfly wings

      Okay well, you'v fallen for a meta-narrative that I don't think is actually true and one that benefits Clinton. Trump may be many things, but "thin-skinned" is not one of them. And guess who's threatening war with Russia? I wonder!

      I'm not disputing that, but do you really think Trump gives a damn about the working class

      Do you think SHE does?

      Just look at the white power types that show up at his events. "Working class therefore I win" rhetoric doesn't impress me

      Jill Stein has a great take on this where she offers some compassion and understanding towards the people who feel powerless. I've personally been enriched and admonished by that.

      rich types like Mark Cuban originally liked him

      How this is relevant is beyond me. He was talking to Hillary about being her VP so he could take potshots @DT.

      You seem to have bitten into all kinds of urban legends re Trump that are the plebeian babble, which is famously out of touch with reality in American Politics. Let me guess: You're a life-long registered Democrat, and you think Nader caused Gore to lose Florida 2000. Have I gotten it about right?

    9. Well, no, I'm afraid. Not quite, in fact, you haven't got it right at all. I'm not American, I'm not a registered democrat, and I have no interest or opinion on the utterly irrelevant Gore/Nader issue. I don't, for the record, think that Hillary gives a damn either, but this is the problem with the argument isn't it. Whenever I criticise Trump, someone says "well Clinton isn't clean either!" As I've said again and again, I agree she isn't. However, what evidence do you have that Trump is better? He isn't against military intervention, he supported action in Libya originally, and wants to bring back waterboarding and go further still with torture methods. He is a compulsive liar (more so than Clinton, I know she lies too) who will tweet that global warming is manufactured by the Chinese one minute (surely you as a green supporter should be concerned over this?) and deny he even said it in his debate. Trump IS thin skinned. He can deal it out but can't take it. Just look at his reactions to Baldwin's impression and Rubio's comments about his hands. There's been a number of hints that he would crack down on freedom of the press if in power. Some supporters even signed a form agreeing to not criticise him. Hillary wants a no fly zone, and I'm really worried about her too, but where is it stated that she's threatening nuclear war? Besides, what makes you think Trump will be any less war like. His comments about Iraq are not even a good defender. Originally when asked whether he supported intervention, he said "I guess so". As for Stein, I haven't looked in detail at her policies, but I agree there needs to be a positive shake up in the system. Yes, there needs to be more compassion towards the disenfranchised, but Trump doesn't offer that. The point about Cuban was to demonstrate that "some working class people vote for Trump, therefore he's better" is a ridiculous argument. Some working class people voted for Thatcher, and she caused a massive rise in unemployment and was a Pinochet apologist to boot. Sometimes poor people are wrong, sometimes rich folk are wrong, their wealth doesn't affect how moral the candidates are.

  3. Obviously there's a great many who rightly see no good option. It's a circus nowadays, that's the tragedy.

  4. Well I guess we live on different planets ;-)

    Trump's connections to the Israeli power structure are exactly why he cannot be trusted to deliver the blows to the Neoliberal & Neocon citadel. Or do you think the MSM who rabidly backs Hillary at every turn has no Israeli connections whatsoever? That the same Neocon Zionist interests that keeps the US in perpetual war is going to put up with the GOP standard-bearer stepping out of line? There's way, way WAY more infection with Neocon Zionism in the MSM than any "Cultural Diversity" hobgoblin you wish to rattle for us.

    If Trump can be persuaded by the big dollars to shift ground on this, what else can he be expected to throw under the bus? The same power elites he's kissing up to don't want Single Payer or a Keynesian policy either

    Or do you think Sheldon Adelson is going to support someone less Globalist than Newt?

    Note "Anti-Union Pressure group." What's that mean to you?

    The Queen of Neoliberalism herself. Just one more of many politicians kissing up to the Israeli lobby.

  5. Steve Grumbine of the "Real Realist" group known as Real Progressives - also an MMT guy btw - articulates what many of us have suspected for a long time: Trump is a plant to help Clinton get elected:

    Or do you really think he couldn't have known that those things re alleged sexual assault of
    women - that those things wouldn't come back to haunt him.

    Perfect strategy: Trump smashes all the lightweights on the GOP side, and then implode
    before November 1st.

    Do you really think he was taken by surprise by any of this, and was blissfully unaware that it could take him and his whole movement down, along with all the better issues he's raised?

    If you do think that, then you're admitting that he's a Narcissist of the highest order.

    1. That is a crazy and stupid conspiracy theory, worthy of Alex Jones.

    2. What you are missing LK is that Alex Jones is *also* a Clinton plant.

    3. That *is* dumb. Bill Clinton knew his sexual history could come back to haunt him, and it did when he was still in the primaries. And that some ppl could oppose him over Ricky Ray Rector (but in the event did not!). Was he a plant? Same with Bush, cocaine and drink driving.

      I think the right conclusion is Trump *doesn't* care about the issues he's raised, it was just to try and get votes. And yes, he *is* a narcissist of the highest order -- like everything he does it's to feed his ego. That still doesn't make him a plant, it makes him a guy who takes the risk of defeat while running for president, same as every other candidate in history.

  6. Distract, distract, distract.

    However, there is also a subtext here. Like Donald trump, HRC is well-known for getting even. Anyone who crosses her is on the list. For news people, this means denial of access, which is a career killer.
    There is no mystery behind US media control by an elite that can grant or deny access without accountability. That is the end of a free press, an institution necessary for representative democracy. This is a "direct assault on our democracy."

    Zero Hedge
    Clinton Escalates Attacks Against Russia's "Direct Assault On Our Democracy"
    Tyler Durden

    Another day, another data dump. In what has become a daily routine, one which forces the Clinton campaign to bring up ever starker (most sexual) scandals involving Trump to provide a media distraction, moments ago Wikileaks released yet another roughly 1,150 emails in Part 8 of its ongoing Podesta Email dump, which brings the total number of released emails to 10,169.

    With another 39,000 or so emails left until election day, we expect the emergence of another Trump "sexual assault" accuser to emerge momentarily, just as we predicted yesterday and were proven right not once but twice. After all the public must be distracted from what truly matters.
    Wikileaks Releases Another 850 Podesta Emails In Part 8 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 11,019

  7. Hello LK

    Every once in awhile I get into debates on the Internet about Econ and the like. I'm a Keynesian and I constantly argue against Austrians. One of my favorites to argue is the ABCT. But recently, several Austrians I've interacted with have brought up new research and empirical data that "supports" the ABCT. As I'm no economists or econometrician or anything of the sort, I'm not entirely sure how to respond.

    If you would be so kind as to make a post or posts addressing this new data, or if I'm missing something and you could point me in the right direction, that would be fantastic

    1. Hi Unknown,

      Do you have links to this new research these Austrians are citing?

      I imagine they are citing empirical studies on the lengthening of the capital structure.

      These studies per se do not prove the ABCT.


      Kuehn, Daniel. 2013. “Hayek’s Business-Cycle Theory: Half Right,” Critical Review 25.3–4: 497–529.

      As Kuehn shows, if lengthening of the capital structure has validity, the capital structure actually “lengthens and contracts as a consequence of the business cycle, rather than as its cause” (Kuehn 2013: 523).

      See my post here:

  8. Hello LK

    From time to time I decide to debate Austrians on places like Reddit and Instagram just for some laughs, but recently when discussing the ABCT, they've brought up pretty recent research "confirming" the Austrian business cycle theory. As I'm no professional economist, I was wondering if you could take a look at some of those papers and give your criticisms or the criticisms of others that I'm not aware of

    Thank you for your time

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