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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Trump bashes Neocon Warmongers – Again

He already called them out on the 2003 Iraq catastrophe. He even said “Bush lied, people died.” He’s distanced himself from their extreme foreign policy.

And now Trump savages arch-neocon Bill Kristol in the video below. I’m kind of struck by the way Trump’s fans seem dumbstruck by his abuse of Kristol, however, as though they don’t quite know how to react...

But you can bet Trump won’t get any credit from the US left for saying what is essentially correct about Kristol.


  1. Btw lk i read that many founders of neocon movement been ex marxists... its explain a lot about their ideological tactics and zeal.

    1. Not just any Marxists, Dan, but Trotskyists, who may be the most insufferable of the varying shades of communist ideology. You are quite correct to note the overlap between the two ideologies; from my vulgar understanding of the overlap, neocons have basically taken the Trotskyist internationalist bent, including the messianic mission, just with communism no longer serving as the end goal. Of course, the Trotskyist influences on neoconservatism are a bit more complicated than that; John Erman's book "The Rise of Neoconservatism : Intellectuals and Foreign Affairs 1945-1994" touches on the Trotskyist roots a bit more, although it's not the point of the book. also has a decent article covering it, although one's mileage may vary since they are a bunch of raving Rothbard disciples.

    2. Yes, that the American neoconservatives who planned the Iraq war (which Christopher Hitchens supported so vehemently) were the new liberal Trotskyists is a favourite of libertarians, and there may well be an element of truth to it, given that the neoconservative foreign policy was a radical departure from the realist school of foreign policy that had previously been influential in the US government.

    3. Which school of thought is the main rival of neocon in matters of foreign policy? Isolationism?

    4. Anti war is a hole. I sometimes get the feeling they want nothing so much as to back in time and unfight WWII.

    5. is still a good source of news on foreign stuff, though. Not much interested in their libertarian screeds.

    6. Daniel MarmurMay 27, 2016 at 12:30 PM

      >Which school of thought is the main rival of neocon in matters of foreign policy?

      The main rival is old-fashioned foreign policy realism, whether of the liberal variety or the realpolitik form of Kissinger.

  2. Just as some friendly advice, I would suggest checking out Trump's claim that he was out front in his opposition to Iraq. He actually was blase' about it but in favor. His opposition was after the fact. Also:
