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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Academic Journals for Post Keynesian Economics

These are important academic journals for the technical and professional Post Keynesian economics literature:
(1) Journal of Post Keynesian Economics;

(2) Review of Keynesian Economics (with the Elgar online page here);

(3) Cambridge Journal of Economics;

(4) Real World Economics Review;

(5) Review of Radical Political Economics;

(6) Journal of Economic Issues.
Of course, a number of these journals also publish work in other heterodox traditions, such as non-neoclassical institutionalism and Marxian economics, in addition to Post Keynesian economics.

Most probably, I have missed important ones, and am happy to receive suggestions and additions.

For example, are the Review of Social Economy and Science and Society venues for Post Keynesian economics too? (they are listed as heterodox journals in Lee 2009: 47).

Also of interest are the following resources:
(1) Post Keynesian Economics Forum

(2) Post Keynesian Economics Study Group
Lee, Frederic S. 2009. A History of Heterodox Economics: Challenging the Mainstream in the Twentieth Century. Routledge, London and New York.


  1. What are the main tenets of PK that distinguish it from K, or Neo-classical? Is it purely a macro theory or is it founded in micro?

    1. Well, just to name a few:

      (1) PK economics rejects real world tendencies to general equilibrium

      (2) rejects marginalist explanations of price setting and how and how much firms produce

      (3) rejects classical loanable funds theory and the natural rate of interest

      (4) PK economics rejects the view that demand for labour is fundamentally determined by the price of labour in movements up and down demand curves

      (5) rejects neoclassical decision making theory.

      Also, maybe the place to start for you is what Post Keynesianism shares with Austrian economics?


      (1) both think money is always non-neutral, whereas neoclassicals think that money is neutral in (a) both the long run or short run (b) at least in the long run;

      (2) both (or at least some Austrians) have criticisms of the quantity theory of money;

      (3) both reject rational expectations and think expectations are subjective;

      (4) both emphasise the role of irreversible time

      (5) both emphasise the role of fundamental uncertainty and limitations of probability theory in economic decision making.
      You might note that Ludwig Lachmann's brand of Austrian economics had some similarities with PK economics.

      Lachmann, for example, had a pretty good understanding of real world price setting and drew on PK and institutionalist literature:

    2. Oh, and also PK economics stresses endogenous money theory, and (at least some) Austrians also hold this view, though maybe in a somewhat different form. For example, free bankers accept that endogenous money is a vital and important part of modern capitalism, while Rothbardians and maybe some Misesians oppose it.

  2. Science and Society is a Marxist journal. I don't know the other one.

    Here's some more journals:

  3. Out of curiosity, Lord Keynes...are you familiar with the International Review of Applied Economics? Malcolm Sawyer, who is a Post Keynesian economist, is on the editorial board of that outlet. I also believe that there are plenty of Post Keynesian economists who have published in that outlet before.

    1. I haven't seen that one, and will take a look at it.

      thanks for that.

  4. In Spanish, and free:
    Revista de economía crítica

  5. The journal of a french institutional school, "l'école de la régulation" (school of regulation). Abstracts and some texts are translated in english. A lot of great stuff (entirely free).

    Few years ago, there was a journal issue devoted to the convergence between post-keynesianism and regulation theory :

  6. Another PK and Kaleckian journal: Metroeconomica
