Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What Happened to Free Speech in Europe?

Is this the future of Europe? Now (apparently) people in Germany can’t even engage in rude political satire against a quasi-authoritarian head of a foreign state…

And, of course, it has backfired already:


  1. How many Germans were charged with mocking Bush or Blair?

  2. I just finished a book you might find interesting. "What's Left?" by Nick Cohen. He expands on many of your complaints, but he sounds more like me on the topic. It's highly recommended.

  3. It is as usual worse in Europe. In some parts of the US there is a backlash starting. This is my feel good story of the day. http://heatst.com/culture-wars/inside-the-fallout-at-mizzou/

  4. More on-point goodness from Coyne. https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/most-british-students-favor-nuss-no-platforming-policy/#comment-1336550

  5. ken b thank you for your articles i already ordered whats left.
