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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Free Movement of Capital + Open Borders = Neoliberalism

How many times do you have to have it explained to you?

Repeat 10 times before going to bed:

Free Movement of Capital + Open Borders = Neoliberalism.

In extreme form, it would be laissez faire capitalism of the worst type, which Murray Rothbard, in his heyday, would have salivated over.

There is nothing wrong in principle with carefully controlled immigration, and it is a perfectly good left-wing point of view. The current generation of young leftists educated in Postmodernist, regressive left, open borders nonsense needs to understand this ASAP.

Some of our best, most decent and brilliant left-wing politicians understand the truth, but you just haven’t bothered to listen:

See here:
“Mass Immigration is the Last Fraud of Neoliberalism,” March 24, 2016.

“Marx on Mass Immigration and Capitalism,” November 13, 2015.

“My Question to the Open Borders and pro-Mass Immigration Left,” June 14, 2016.

“Open Borders within and into Europe is a Disaster for Social Democracy,” November 26, 2015.

“Ralph Nader on Open Borders and Mass Immigration,” December 30, 2015.

“A Neoliberal Vision for Europe,” January 22, 2016.

“Murray Rothbard loved Open Borders and Mass Immigration,” February 28, 2016.

“Open Borders in Europe means More Neoliberalism,” January 21, 2016.


  1. What do you think of that quote by John Maynard Keynes on how there was a lot more financial globalization in the world pre-WWI and how it fell apart after a new era of nationalization?

  2. Good points. Like you for me, the most disappointing thing about the whole thing is the almost complete lack of opposition to the EU by the heterodox.

    This letter even has Geoff Harcourt as a signatory:

    1. Bill Mitchell, Michael Hudson, L. Randall Wray, and Stephanie Kelton are examples of heterodox economists who've recognized the fallacy of the EU from the beginning.

  3. I don't know what you think of BDS, but the Greens are talking about it in Canada right now:

    1. Its goal is to eliminate israel not to achieve real pluasible peace kevin.

    2. There are Jewish Anti-Zionist groups who feel that there shouldn't even be an Israel.

  4. "There is nothing wrong in principle with carefully controlled immigration, and it is a perfectly good left-wing point of view."

    I'm not sure about that. I think that net-zero migration is likely the only morally justifiable position in a world of floating rate currencies.

    Stealing skilled staff from the Third World delays their development. For example can we honestly say that the Indian healthcare system is so awesome that they have spare doctors?

    So we have the situation where the poor here don't want the unskilled to come here because it affects their standard of living, and we have the situation where the poor abroad don't want their skilled people to leave because it affects their standard if living.

    So it seems to me that you have to move towards a net-zero migration policy to be morally just in a global context.
